Real Estate Youtube MarketingReal Estate Youtube Tips

Social media is a significant marketing tool that is available for real estate brokers. One popular option for displaying a property to potential buyers is YouTube. Video will need to be included in any realtor’s basic marketing strategy. One reason is YouTube is owned by Google. This means there is an opportunity for driving more traffic to a realtor’s website and to connect with clients. If you not familiar using YouTube in real estate marketing, then review a few tips to take advantage of this social media platform.

Video Tours



There are many aspects of a community that will play a role in the decision of a buyer when looking at a property. This includes employment opportunities, schools, and outdoor recreation. You should make a video tour of a neighborhood to highlight any hotspots and local attractions. The goal will be to point out why a particular neighborhood will be an appealing place to live.

Buyers in Canada who see interviews of locals in an area can get a sense of the neighborhood. The use of video tours can be used to highlight the school system by interviewing a parent. Another idea that is an option is to identify certain community events.

A video tour also needs to be provided for the inside of a property. Potential buyers will prefer to see a property by watching a video instead of looking at still pictures. Video tours are able to provide buyers with an in-depth view of a property. A video tour that is done right can easily make any properties look more attractive.

Provide Expertise


Both the buyers and sellers of property will appreciate helpful advice and good tips. This will mean the use of video is a great way for real estate agents to show off knowledge and establish themselves as an expert. One example is to create a video with staging tips, if an agent is great at staging a property. The main thing to keep in mind is to cater to the clientele in a community. Many people may want to know how to make a property more environmentally-friendly. Another option is to make a video that offers a variety of tips for preparing a garden for spring or tips for curb appeal.

A real estate agency that has a blog can easily add links to videos based on certain topics. One aspect a real estate agent needs to keep in mind is the ability to use YouTube and other social media as a way to conduct market research. The goal is to determine the subjects that are most interesting to buyers in a local area. This is where real estate YouTube marketing needs to have a main focus.




Real estate agents who are known as a people person can use video to let their personality shine. There are many benefits this can provide when done correctly. One thing to keep in mind about filming is the use of a script. Many people often get nervous when being recorded on camera. However, there will be times when going off script can achieve the best results. If a person is not really a funny person, then this should not be forced when making a video.

The main thing to avoid is appearing insincere. This is the best way to lose business. Buyers will hire a real estate agent for qualities they find appealing, such as confidence and sincerity.

Basic YouTube Tips

Youtube Real Estate Tips Youtube Real Estate Tips



The length of a video will be important. A video should not be any longer than three to four minutes. If a video is any longer, then it may not appeal to a wide audience. Another aspect to keep in mind with a video is to include appropriate keywords in the title. This includes keywords that are SEO friendly and target a specific area, such as a name or a town or neighborhood. Adding keywords is important for the video to appear in search engine results.

One of the main aspects of social media is sharing. This means finding ways to market the videos. You can do this by posting them on other social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. Links can easily be embedded in a blog or included in a newsletter sent via email. Likes are needed to increase the ranking on YouTube and can be done by asking clients and others to like a particular video. Another option can include the addition of a QR Code to a YouTube video. This is a type of barcode that can direct a buyer or visitor to a website or a page with more information.

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